5864 rank

15,967,645 points

3,122 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
euphgal1    THE KRETANS
Parkog 3988 euphgal1 THE KRETANS 29,571,771 7,319
Mount Killmore 5864 euphgal1 THE FORGE BRIGADE 15,967,645 3,122
euphgal1    UNA
East-Nagach 6175 euphgal1 UNA 13,369,863 3,074
euphgal1    The Jedi Order
Arvahall 7438 euphgal1 The Jedi Order 13,148,667 3,142
euphgal1    4 20
Qunrir 5513 euphgal1 4 20 12,865,066 2,259
euphgal1    WTF
Rugnir 5462 euphgal1 WTF 12,796,200 3,456
euphgal1    The Royals of Xyr
Xyr 5852 euphgal1 The Royals of Xyr 11,934,898 3,525
euphgal1    THE WEAKEST LINK
Brisgard 8203 euphgal1 THE WEAKEST LINK 7,040,265 2,275
euphgal1    Lycanthropes
Yorkton 6991 euphgal1 Lycanthropes 5,181,797 1,746