9411 rank

2,957,452 points

1,892 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hesperus the Phosporus   
Yorkton 964 Hesperus the Phosporus 286,726,020 105,855
Hesperus the Phosporus   
Birka 4186 Hesperus the Phosporus 7,199,786 2,689
Hesperus the Phosporus   
Uceria 6879 Hesperus the Phosporus 6,436,320 2,297
Hesperus the Phosporus   
Odhrorvar 7522 Hesperus the Phosporus 3,841,136 1,872
Hesperus the Phosporus   
Arvahall 10785 Hesperus the Phosporus 3,274,210 2,075
Hesperus the Phosporus   
Mount Killmore 9411 Hesperus the Phosporus 2,957,452 1,892