10212 rank

1,988,333 points

1,331 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cyanyd    Psy-ops
Zorskog 3766 cyanyd Psy-ops 23,031,498 32,642
cyanyd    League of Nations ®
Arvahall 8366 cyanyd League of Nations ® 8,915,674 15,263
cyanyd    Diamond Farms
Langendorn 7199 cyanyd Diamond Farms 5,450,973 4,173
cyanyd    The Donut Shoppe
Xyr 8238 cyanyd The Donut Shoppe 3,764,957 8,588
cyanyd    Unused Point Depo
Mount Killmore 10212 cyanyd Unused Point Depo 1,988,333 1,331