13012 rank

627,900 points

2,692 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
njorle    crunchy frogs
Cirgard 4411 njorle crunchy frogs 29,689,851 15,875
njorle    break time from FoE
Langendorn 4336 njorle break time from FoE 25,784,079 14,202
njorle    Tired of Guilds
Houndsmoor 4957 njorle Tired of Guilds 23,261,943 13,090
njorle    expadition
Korch 5335 njorle expadition 15,671,872 6,980
njorle    gready bastards
Greifental 5626 njorle gready bastards 14,538,110 6,455
njorle    expedition first
Brisgard 6386 njorle expedition first 14,489,785 5,757
njorle    jaimes
Jaims 5657 njorle jaimes 12,926,550 5,923
njorle    crunchy frogs
Arvahall 9231 njorle crunchy frogs 6,344,589 10,950
njorle    crunchyfrogs
East-Nagach 10702 njorle crunchyfrogs 1,300,378 5,631
njorle    magnifacentfestering
Mount Killmore 13012 njorle magnifacentfestering 627,900 2,692