9023 rank

3,533,094 points

2,379 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Samantha E the sweet   
Dunarsund 6066 Samantha E the sweet 13,639,461 12,972
Samantha E the sweet    5 oclock somewhere
Arvahall 7319 Samantha E the sweet 5 oclock somewhere 12,478,383 11,589
Samantha E the sweet   
Mount Killmore 9023 Samantha E the sweet 3,533,094 2,379
Samantha E the sweet    5 oclock somewhere
Tuulech 10372 Samantha E the sweet 5 oclock somewhere 712,265 997
Samantha E the sweet    5 oclock somewhere
Xyr 12056 Samantha E the sweet 5 oclock somewhere 667,512 814
Samantha E the sweet    5oclock somewhere
Brisgard 15922 Samantha E the sweet 5oclock somewhere 301,527 377