3519 rank

46,580,713 points

29,723 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
wing it the first    RAIDERS!
Langendorn 2528 wing it the first RAIDERS! 72,846,210 48,634
wing it the first    New Age
Mount Killmore 3519 wing it the first New Age 46,580,713 29,723
wing it the first    Chill n Play
Vingrid 3465 wing it the first Chill n Play 36,481,028 26,290
wing it the first    The Explorers
Brisgard 4271 wing it the first The Explorers 35,948,263 25,027
wing it the first    Knights of the table
Tuulech 3731 wing it the first Knights of the table 30,044,676 27,002
wing it the first    New Phoenix
Houndsmoor 4441 wing it the first New Phoenix 28,004,606 26,265