4613 rank

28,766,503 points

21,161 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Jackal    Paradigm Shift
Mount Killmore 4613 The Jackal Paradigm Shift 28,766,503 21,161
The Jackal    Rest Your Butt
Xyr 13096 The Jackal Rest Your Butt 431,744 590
The Jackal   
Houndsmoor 14942 The Jackal 248,540 354
The Jackal    Spartacus
Cirgard 15905 The Jackal Spartacus 170,486 423
The Jackal   
Yorkton 15549 The Jackal 93,629 275
The Jackal    white zombie
Angkor 16561 The Jackal white zombie 41,346 62