13011 rank

647,959 points

832 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Honorius 1135 the Red    Guild 105
Dunarsund 3775 Honorius 1135 the Red Guild 105 48,753,590 10,863
Honorius 1135 the Red    Rebel Alliance
Zorskog 9881 Honorius 1135 the Red Rebel Alliance 848,050 917
Honorius 1135 the Red    Dragon Games
Angkor 9864 Honorius 1135 the Red Dragon Games 796,458 892
Honorius 1135 the Red    Sir Brandon K.C.
Mount Killmore 13011 Honorius 1135 the Red Sir Brandon K.C. 647,959 832
Honorius 1135 the Red    Icarus
Vingrid 13021 Honorius 1135 the Red Icarus 262,167 316
Honorius 1135 the Red    city builders
Houndsmoor 15199 Honorius 1135 the Red city builders 230,580 332