6458 rank

12,031,234 points

11,887 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thumper the Mighty    Pale Horse
Langendorn 3761 Thumper the Mighty Pale Horse 37,817,206 68,938
Thumper the Mighty    Korch Solo
Korch 5742 Thumper the Mighty Korch Solo 12,827,688 18,343
Thumper the Mighty    Killmore Solo
Mount Killmore 6458 Thumper the Mighty Killmore Solo 12,031,234 11,887
Thumper the Mighty   
Dilmun 4767 Thumper the Mighty 524,483 919
Thumper the Mighty   
Xyr 20452 Thumper the Mighty 25,312 34