19568 rank

61,091 points

98 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
GreatKnockout101    Liberty Empire
Qunrir 7800 GreatKnockout101 Liberty Empire 3,372,175 1,148
GreatKnockout101    Fotchenlicker
Brisgard 13813 GreatKnockout101 Fotchenlicker 624,763 311
GreatKnockout101    The Dutch
East-Nagach 17182 GreatKnockout101 The Dutch 85,383 121
GreatKnockout101    Nero
Walstrand 15474 GreatKnockout101 Nero 63,934 93
GreatKnockout101    Order of the Stag
Mount Killmore 19568 GreatKnockout101 Order of the Stag 61,091 98
GreatKnockout101    Decentry in the game
Arvahall 22683 GreatKnockout101 Decentry in the game 57,804 110
GreatKnockout101    York City
Yorkton 17147 GreatKnockout101 York City 53,595 83
GreatKnockout101    Heavy Metal Nation
Cirgard 19561 GreatKnockout101 Heavy Metal Nation 44,108 97
GreatKnockout101    Guild of Awesome
Xyr 19459 GreatKnockout101 Guild of Awesome 41,451 67
GreatKnockout101    7Hunter7
Langendorn 18645 GreatKnockout101 7Hunter7 22,659 72