21375 rank

32,651 points

262 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Fel Dranghyr 17603 buck46 58,892 143
buck46    chill
Angkor 15991 buck46 chill 54,476 264
buck46    wolf
Dunarsund 19186 buck46 wolf 54,063 146
East-Nagach 18481 buck46 51,221 103
buck46    Croatoan
Noarsil 17205 buck46 Croatoan 37,841 279
buck46    hounds of justas
Houndsmoor 19892 buck46 hounds of justas 36,961 302
buck46    The Benevolents
Mount Killmore 21375 buck46 The Benevolents 32,651 262
buck46    slow turtals
Birka 14043 buck46 slow turtals 31,567 297
buck46    S/V White Raven
Zorskog 17519 buck46 S/V White Raven 31,162 292
buck46    Game of Thorns
Jaims 18792 buck46 Game of Thorns 28,707 288
buck46    Farok's guild
Tuulech 17350 buck46 Farok's guild 28,208 305
buck46    Grounders
Qunrir 17882 buck46 Grounders 27,777 282