11737 rank

1,056,016 points

1,479 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
x2342y    general ent
Tuulech 4458 x2342y general ent 17,171,729 6,289
x2342y    City-Zenz
Arvahall 7453 x2342y City-Zenz 10,644,650 3,391
x2342y    folkz
Qunrir 7117 x2342y folkz 4,919,868 2,686
x2342y    The Lost Empire
Fel Dranghyr 8530 x2342y The Lost Empire 2,990,586 2,209
x2342y    Viking Gold
Greifental 8498 x2342y Viking Gold 2,921,141 2,302
x2342y    Eagle’s Nest
Xyr 9306 x2342y Eagle’s Nest 2,126,480 2,511
x2342y    MKKQ Apprentices
Mount Killmore 11737 x2342y MKKQ Apprentices 1,056,016 1,479
x2342y    Time Guardian
Rugnir 10187 x2342y Time Guardian 936,799 1,419