2894 rank

57,371,495 points

65,785 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Princess Battle Axe    🔥Balefire🔥
Uceria 656 Princess Battle Axe 🔥Balefire🔥 357,775,613 171,721
Princess Battle Axe    Screwbirds
Langendorn 1417 Princess Battle Axe Screwbirds 151,695,247 102,168
Princess Battle Axe    Screwbirds
Mount Killmore 2894 Princess Battle Axe Screwbirds 57,371,495 65,785
Princess Battle Axe    lucky
Carthage 1146 Princess Battle Axe lucky 22,850,785 21,264
Princess Battle Axe    Easy Goes It
Vingrid 4527 Princess Battle Axe Easy Goes It 17,315,693 36,653
Princess Battle Axe    Battle Born II
Dilmun 1536 Princess Battle Axe Battle Born II 7,554,917 14,866
Princess Battle Axe    RISE OF HADES
Dunarsund 9207 Princess Battle Axe RISE OF HADES 2,982,294 9,253