14268 rank

404,803 points

992 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Deep Philosopher    Maximum skill
Noarsil 8725 Deep Philosopher Maximum skill 1,863,840 2,433
Deep Philosopher    Bognoria
Xyr 10917 Deep Philosopher Bognoria 1,045,155 1,511
Deep Philosopher    New Paladin
Zorskog 11036 Deep Philosopher New Paladin 498,897 884
Deep Philosopher    the tribe's
Mount Killmore 14268 Deep Philosopher the tribe's 404,803 992
Deep Philosopher    PDF
Langendorn 12305 Deep Philosopher PDF 363,154 923
Deep Philosopher    Fair Traders
Yorkton 12531 Deep Philosopher Fair Traders 336,320 804