10172 rank

2,012,067 points

561 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zowie Bowie the Boldest   
Noarsil 5074 Zowie Bowie the Boldest 15,591,217 2,373
Zowie Bowie the Boldest    Knight Templers 2
Arvahall 10977 Zowie Bowie the Boldest Knight Templers 2 2,837,524 744
Zowie Bowie the Boldest    FUN ONLY
Houndsmoor 9485 Zowie Bowie the Boldest FUN ONLY 2,456,413 678
Zowie Bowie the Boldest    Casual
Birka 5760 Zowie Bowie the Boldest Casual 2,115,010 629
Zowie Bowie the Boldest   
Mount Killmore 10172 Zowie Bowie the Boldest 2,012,067 561
Zowie Bowie the Boldest   
Angkor 8061 Zowie Bowie the Boldest 1,840,420 516