4703 rank

25,695,109 points

35,539 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Habenero
Rugnir 2137 Casticus 1434 the Strong Habenero 95,308,008 53,298
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Bocephus
Walstrand 2868 Casticus 1434 the Strong Bocephus 49,499,060 24,230
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Stove
Odhrorvar 3573 Casticus 1434 the Strong Stove 37,322,534 26,770
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Sorry
Mount Killmore 4703 Casticus 1434 the Strong Sorry 25,695,109 35,539
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Joeys
Birka 5862 Casticus 1434 the Strong Joeys 2,034,841 3,062
Casticus 1434 the Strong    Clifton
Tuulech 8938 Casticus 1434 the Strong Clifton 1,474,781 2,956