14901 rank

326,401 points

291 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Galick the Strong    Fire Born
Fel Dranghyr 9734 Galick the Strong Fire Born 1,703,233 793
Galick the Strong    Skyrim
Arvahall 12929 Galick the Strong Skyrim 1,337,571 829
Galick the Strong    Maggots
Brisgard 12664 Galick the Strong Maggots 965,410 564
Galick the Strong    The Dominion
Cirgard 12292 Galick the Strong The Dominion 709,518 513
Galick the Strong    Star of the Dragon
Greifental 11509 Galick the Strong Star of the Dragon 689,094 487
Galick the Strong    No Guts No Glory
Dunarsund 12931 Galick the Strong No Guts No Glory 622,466 455
Galick the Strong    Knights of the Realm
Houndsmoor 12891 Galick the Strong Knights of the Realm 562,578 403
Galick the Strong    Lord Erectus's army
Jaims 12021 Galick the Strong Lord Erectus's army 516,248 377
Galick the Strong    Celtic Warriors
East-Nagach 12868 Galick the Strong Celtic Warriors 514,320 400
Galick the Strong    *star note*
Yorkton 11490 Galick the Strong *star note* 506,006 534
Galick the Strong    The Wild Ones
Parkog 11217 Galick the Strong The Wild Ones 499,313 284
Galick the Strong   
Noarsil 11635 Galick the Strong 455,204 303
Galick the Strong    Killer Kosmik Komodo
Korch 12485 Galick the Strong Killer Kosmik Komodo 412,803 378
Galick the Strong    RECRUIT
Vingrid 12225 Galick the Strong RECRUIT 388,259 352
Galick the Strong    Southern Wolves
Qunrir 12200 Galick the Strong Southern Wolves 352,936 316
Galick the Strong   
Mount Killmore 14901 Galick the Strong 326,401 291
Galick the Strong    Its a game
Sinerania 12289 Galick the Strong Its a game 323,250 295
Galick the Strong    Forge Masters
Odhrorvar 12264 Galick the Strong Forge Masters 310,865 205
Galick the Strong   
Uceria 13809 Galick the Strong 176,689 318
Galick the Strong    Crescent moon pack
Rugnir 16326 Galick the Strong Crescent moon pack 57,015 150