4345 rank

34,294,631 points

14,315 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hiera the Bold    Dad's Army
Noarsil 3604 Hiera the Bold Dad's Army 41,554,982 15,416
Hiera the Bold    Knightsfall Castle
Greifental 4120 Hiera the Bold Knightsfall Castle 34,805,761 14,535
Hiera the Bold    Chillin'
Mount Killmore 4345 Hiera the Bold Chillin' 34,294,631 14,315
Hiera the Bold    The Flame
Tuulech 3811 Hiera the Bold The Flame 32,266,720 15,798
Hiera the Bold    Trade Winds
Parkog 5958 Hiera the Bold Trade Winds 9,570,162 4,622