12711 rank

746,351 points

803 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mr. Pippy    Alchemist
Arvahall 2142 Mr. Pippy Alchemist 131,467,373 27,375
Mr. Pippy    Render Ineffective
Langendorn 3253 Mr. Pippy Render Ineffective 43,027,267 11,051
Mr. Pippy    Elders
Korch 3645 Mr. Pippy Elders 36,384,812 9,619
Mr. Pippy    FOR đź’˘fathers
Brisgard 4086 Mr. Pippy FOR đź’˘fathers 36,093,490 11,016
Mr. Pippy    Simple Life
Cirgard 8160 Mr. Pippy Simple Life 4,454,975 4,541
Mr. Pippy   
Parkog 9955 Mr. Pippy 942,943 1,209
Mr. Pippy    Creeping Death
Mount Killmore 12711 Mr. Pippy Creeping Death 746,351 803
Mr. Pippy    Game of Guilds
Houndsmoor 13741 Mr. Pippy Game of Guilds 413,236 340
Mr. Pippy    Goonies
Odhrorvar 11792 Mr. Pippy Goonies 411,596 313