12295 rank

858,433 points

675 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
kq466q    Parents of Notre Dam
Arvahall 7974 kq466q Parents of Notre Dam 8,581,730 1,481
East-Nagach 9927 kq466q HEATSEEKERS 1,813,189 768
kq466q    Jacked up
Brisgard 10827 kq466q Jacked up 1,810,170 932
kq466q    The Noble Company
Langendorn 9110 kq466q The Noble Company 1,726,775 700
kq466q    qqq3
Greifental 9937 kq466q qqq3 1,406,361 695
kq466q    Fish Gills Guild
Jaims 10108 kq466q Fish Gills Guild 1,226,705 748
kq466q    Sons of Notre Dame
Houndsmoor 11674 kq466q Sons of Notre Dame 917,374 914
kq466q    Maza
Korch 10785 kq466q Maza 890,079 678
kq466q    The Holy Legion
Mount Killmore 12295 kq466q The Holy Legion 858,433 675
kq466q    The Gallows
Odhrorvar 10471 kq466q The Gallows 776,603 711
kq466q    Rangers
Parkog 11224 kq466q Rangers 551,930 637
kq466q    The Fighting Irish
Sinerania 11887 kq466q The Fighting Irish 430,311 429
kq466q    Honor God
Rugnir 12143 kq466q Honor God 415,569 426
kq466q    Unorthodox gambits
Uceria 12696 kq466q Unorthodox gambits 344,488 404
kq466q    Good Guys
Tuulech 13192 kq466q Good Guys 217,699 295
kq466q    Kthullu's Eye
Xyr 16939 kq466q Kthullu's Eye 130,663 142
kq466q    Come in Berlin
Cirgard 18994 kq466q Come in Berlin 64,307 134