20698 rank

51,724 points

67 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Witchburn    The Misfit Toys
Cirgard 14978 Witchburn The Misfit Toys 283,332 428
Witchburn    Revolting Villagers
Brisgard 17960 Witchburn Revolting Villagers 159,301 174
Witchburn    The Misfit Toys
Arvahall 20649 Witchburn The Misfit Toys 122,978 263
Witchburn    The Misfit Toys
East-Nagach 17969 Witchburn The Misfit Toys 77,262 125
Witchburn    Saints of Killmore
Mount Killmore 20698 Witchburn Saints of Killmore 51,724 67
Witchburn    The Misfit Toys
Rugnir 18329 Witchburn The Misfit Toys 33,498 75