14735 rank

341,044 points

1,792 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
dianefcr    Legion of Lobster's
Korch 788 dianefcr Legion of Lobster's 430,235,303 268,067
dianefcr    Twisted Souls
Yorkton 10826 dianefcr Twisted Souls 684,107 2,057
dianefcr    Gumby Nation
Mount Killmore 14735 dianefcr Gumby Nation 341,044 1,792
dianefcr    Only for Diamonds
Vingrid 12944 dianefcr Only for Diamonds 269,573 1,967
dianefcr    Smart Fellers
Rugnir 15878 dianefcr Smart Fellers 63,311 565
dianefcr    The Man Cave Clan
Arvahall 25043 dianefcr The Man Cave Clan 24,278 105