1193 rank

235,991,560 points

51,269 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
332481robinhood    FOEplay
Mount Killmore 1193 332481robinhood FOEplay 235,991,560 51,269
332481robinhood    FoePlay
Rugnir 5398 332481robinhood FoePlay 11,992,446 5,397
Qunrir 8543 332481robinhood 2,134,697 979
332481robinhood    Lion Hart
Brisgard 12628 332481robinhood Lion Hart 982,402 1,042
332481robinhood    timeboom
Sinerania 10498 332481robinhood timeboom 740,129 662
332481robinhood    Omega
Cirgard 12411 332481robinhood Omega 675,379 477
332481robinhood    GuildedRoses
Uceria 11213 332481robinhood GuildedRoses 585,744 505
332481robinhood    Man of War
Tuulech 10915 332481robinhood Man of War 542,033 598
332481robinhood    Jedi Knights
Langendorn 12256 332481robinhood Jedi Knights 377,182 405
332481robinhood    Scallywags
Noarsil 12884 332481robinhood Scallywags 262,306 306
332481robinhood    The Dabberz
Houndsmoor 16088 332481robinhood The Dabberz 165,886 249
332481robinhood    Wisps in the Wind
Parkog 13864 332481robinhood Wisps in the Wind 151,488 116