7843 rank

6,499,552 points

7,746 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Walrus the Dumb    The knightmare
Odhrorvar 4136 Walrus the Dumb The knightmare 27,630,554 27,171
Walrus the Dumb    Break
Sinerania 5739 Walrus the Dumb Break 10,108,664 8,548
Walrus the Dumb    Universal Union
Mount Killmore 7843 Walrus the Dumb Universal Union 6,499,552 7,746
Walrus the Dumb    The Inactives
Arvahall 9424 Walrus the Dumb The Inactives 5,859,014 7,369
Walrus the Dumb    Farm and GE
Walstrand 6537 Walrus the Dumb Farm and GE 5,794,343 9,039
Walrus the Dumb    The Inactives
Dunarsund 8611 Walrus the Dumb The Inactives 4,497,644 4,831
Walrus the Dumb    Diamond Mine
Xyr 8246 Walrus the Dumb Diamond Mine 3,755,233 4,814
Walrus the Dumb    Pheonix Wrath
East-Nagach 9174 Walrus the Dumb Pheonix Wrath 2,860,900 3,326