8959 rank

3,753,909 points

904 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Julian 194 the Wise    Growth Assisters
Fel Dranghyr 7429 Julian 194 the Wise Growth Assisters 6,008,887 1,133
Julian 194 the Wise    Merry Merchants
Cirgard 7862 Julian 194 the Wise Merry Merchants 5,532,888 1,303
Julian 194 the Wise    Berkeley
Mount Killmore 8959 Julian 194 the Wise Berkeley 3,753,909 904
Julian 194 the Wise    UsVsThem
Odhrorvar 7673 Julian 194 the Wise UsVsThem 3,500,541 649
Julian 194 the Wise    FunTimes
Noarsil 8011 Julian 194 the Wise FunTimes 2,975,202 589
Julian 194 the Wise    The back woods
Parkog 7845 Julian 194 the Wise The back woods 2,909,643 629
Julian 194 the Wise    AnCaps
Tuulech 8859 Julian 194 the Wise AnCaps 1,553,986 418
Julian 194 the Wise    Marijuana Cult
Sinerania 8952 Julian 194 the Wise Marijuana Cult 1,516,293 407