21625 rank

29,132 points

44 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
patgro64    the old ones
Brisgard 10960 patgro64 the old ones 1,821,156 954
patgro64    Lion Heart clan
Cirgard 12172 patgro64 Lion Heart clan 738,974 594
patgro64    Wanderers
Dunarsund 13411 patgro64 Wanderers 514,552 409
patgro64    Nights of the Round
East-Nagach 14683 patgro64 Nights of the Round 245,255 300
patgro64    Seekers of truth
Fel Dranghyr 15073 patgro64 Seekers of truth 173,424 163
patgro64    KT Knights Templar
Greifental 15274 patgro64 KT Knights Templar 126,492 164
patgro64    The knights templar
Houndsmoor 18139 patgro64 The knights templar 68,875 45
patgro64    Play to relax
Jaims 17479 patgro64 Play to relax 49,164 55
patgro64    Dragon's Fire
Parkog 16602 patgro64 Dragon's Fire 46,099 24
patgro64    Independent
Korch 18250 patgro64 Independent 38,011 76
patgro64    Dark Dragon
Mount Killmore 21625 patgro64 Dark Dragon 29,132 44
patgro64    War Hounds
Rugnir 18185 patgro64 War Hounds 26,005 58