312 rank

1,036,023,448 points

202,606 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Penelope 485 the Strong    WareHouse 13
Mount Killmore 312 Penelope 485 the Strong WareHouse 13 1,036,023,448 202,606
Penelope 485 the Strong    Singularity
Korch 4509 Penelope 485 the Strong Singularity 25,360,902 16,320
Penelope 485 the Strong    DiamondFarm
Cirgard 6599 Penelope 485 the Strong DiamondFarm 10,134,996 7,693
Penelope 485 the Strong    Well
Vingrid 6584 Penelope 485 the Strong Well 7,039,307 8,523
Penelope 485 the Strong    The best
Sinerania 10375 Penelope 485 the Strong The best 741,980 2,401
Penelope 485 the Strong    PIZZA PARTY
Xyr 11951 Penelope 485 the Strong PIZZA PARTY 667,123 2,433