6277 rank

10,952,565 points

12,736 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Agrippa 263 the Lucky    United Front
Brisgard 2446 Agrippa 263 the Lucky United Front 81,382,526 37,844
Agrippa 263 the Lucky    Outcasts
Xyr 5661 Agrippa 263 the Lucky Outcasts 10,967,950 20,618
Agrippa 263 the Lucky   
Mount Killmore 6277 Agrippa 263 the Lucky 10,952,565 12,736
Agrippa 263 the Lucky    Kiefer Zea
Vingrid 8288 Agrippa 263 the Lucky Kiefer Zea 2,389,830 6,026