541 rank

621,045,567 points

62,126 battles

Rank Level Great Building Era FP FP Left FP Required
The Arc (The Future )   
601 127 The Arc The Future 7062 10811 17873
Observatory (No Age )   
3667 100 Observatory No Age 0 6149 6149
Terracotta Army (Virtual Future )   
3854 100 Terracotta Army Virtual Future 0 11447 11447
The Kraken (Oceanic Future )   
3968 100 The Kraken Oceanic Future 0 10974 10974
Arctic Orangery (Arctic Future )   
4060 100 Arctic Orangery Arctic Future 0 10501 10501
Cape Canaveral (Postmodern Era )   
4465 100 Cape Canaveral Postmodern Era 0 8325 8325
Castel del Monte (Late Middle Ages )   
4807 100 Castel del Monte Late Middle Ages 0 6622 6622
Cathedral of Aachen (Early Middle Ages )   
5005 100 Cathedral of Aachen Early Middle Ages 0 5676 5676