20237 rank

59,524 points

52 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
2841    Burgermeisters
Brisgard 5589 2841 Burgermeisters 16,489,505 2,451
2841    Battle Pirates
Vingrid 16349 2841 Battle Pirates 77,675 67
2841    The Builders Guild
Mount Killmore 20237 2841 The Builders Guild 59,524 52
2841    The Cog
Cirgard 19241 2841 The Cog 58,508 56
2841    NoRules
East-Nagach 19123 2841 NoRules 50,353 75
Tuulech 16729 2841 47,901 39
Qunrir 17315 2841 47,477 70
2841    SikoGuild
Korch 18325 2841 SikoGuild 46,291 35
Parkog 17575 2841 39,737 51