12022 rank

916,665 points

414 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TommysTouch    Traders of the Goods
Xyr 4269 TommysTouch Traders of the Goods 24,725,732 2,212
TommysTouch    Back Door T
Zorskog 6905 TommysTouch Back Door T 4,221,530 883
TommysTouch    Bone Fish
Dilmun 3419 TommysTouch Bone Fish 1,612,865 440
TommysTouch    Traders of the Goods
Mount Killmore 12022 TommysTouch Traders of the Goods 916,665 414
TommysTouch    Nighty
Jaims 11474 TommysTouch Nighty 628,710 402
TommysTouch    new one
Odhrorvar 14620 TommysTouch new one 92,607 132