9740 rank

2,459,476 points

10,590 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Krog the Elder    💃🏻Gypsies’ Fire🔥
East-Nagach 7045 Krog the Elder 💃🏻Gypsies’ Fire🔥 8,278,023 14,311
Krog the Elder    🌎Twists of Fate🌎
Noarsil 6919 Krog the Elder 🌎Twists of Fate🌎 5,631,518 8,465
Krog the Elder    Grinders
Greifental 7901 Krog the Elder Grinders 4,323,753 15,637
Krog the Elder    Open to all
Brisgard 10032 Krog the Elder Open to all 2,772,084 8,783
Krog the Elder    The Enforcers
Mount Killmore 9740 Krog the Elder The Enforcers 2,459,476 10,590
Krog the Elder   
Odhrorvar 14357 Krog the Elder 119,239 489