18076 rank

95,366 points

268 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Darth Vaderism   
East-Nagach 10384 Darth Vaderism 1,502,201 830
Darth Vaderism    Minions
Odhrorvar 9610 Darth Vaderism Minions 1,094,503 699
Darth Vaderism    Lions den
Walstrand 10207 Darth Vaderism Lions den 681,703 432
Darth Vaderism    New Guys
Mount Killmore 18076 Darth Vaderism New Guys 95,366 268
Darth Vaderism    Knights of the Vale
Cirgard 18179 Darth Vaderism Knights of the Vale 65,991 191