5828 rank

14,023,717 points

54,107 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
sir john the 1s    core sucks
Mount Killmore 5828 sir john the 1s core sucks 14,023,717 54,107
sir john the 1s    Over the Hill Gang
Dunarsund 8504 sir john the 1s Over the Hill Gang 4,377,827 26,569
sir john the 1s    NFC NORTH PACKERS
Arvahall 10891 sir john the 1s NFC NORTH PACKERS 2,837,601 21,186
sir john the 1s    loh
East-Nagach 9406 sir john the 1s loh 2,421,718 17,164
sir john the 1s    bos
Birka 5825 sir john the 1s bos 1,880,794 9,837
sir john the 1s    PACKERS
Angkor 8043 sir john the 1s PACKERS 1,820,544 13,340
sir john the 1s    FIRST VIKINGS
Brisgard 11274 sir john the 1s FIRST VIKINGS 1,581,635 9,814
sir john the 1s    FIRST VIKINGS
Cirgard 10985 sir john the 1s FIRST VIKINGS 1,207,770 8,565