7457 rank

7,226,509 points

1,259 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
11th ACR    Army of One
Dunarsund 5900 11th ACR Army of One 14,666,119 2,083
11th ACR    Army of Uno
Houndsmoor 6575 11th ACR Army of Uno 10,333,416 1,481
11th ACR    Army of Un
Arvahall 7971 11th ACR Army of Un 9,744,354 1,549
11th ACR    Army of Ekab
Zorskog 5419 11th ACR Army of Ekab 8,805,915 1,132
11th ACR    Army of Eins
Jaims 6412 11th ACR Army of Eins 8,469,078 1,470
11th ACR    An Army of One
Qunrir 6248 11th ACR An Army of One 8,287,970 1,148
11th ACR    Army of En
Vingrid 6296 11th ACR Army of En 7,802,853 1,073
11th ACR    Army of 1
Langendorn 6562 11th ACR Army of 1 7,340,100 1,350
11th ACR    Army Strong
Mount Killmore 7457 11th ACR Army Strong 7,226,509 1,259
11th ACR    Army of Unus
Xyr 6900 11th ACR Army of Unus 6,719,894 1,152
11th ACR    Army of Yksi
Yorkton 6325 11th ACR Army of Yksi 6,674,938 1,130
11th ACR    Army of Eis
Angkor 5938 11th ACR Army of Eis 6,113,734 1,105
11th ACR    Arrrmy!
Dilmun 2459 11th ACR Arrrmy! 4,332,919 1,202