7392 rank

7,189,249 points

1,379 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
King Christopher 1257    PDF
Greifental 5489 King Christopher 1257 PDF 14,291,143 2,663
King Christopher 1257    Planet Earth
Yorkton 4911 King Christopher 1257 Planet Earth 12,711,524 2,046
King Christopher 1257    Anaconda
Carthage 2060 King Christopher 1257 Anaconda 11,303,863 2,073
King Christopher 1257    League of Greatness
Mount Killmore 7392 King Christopher 1257 League of Greatness 7,189,249 1,379
King Christopher 1257    Free to Play
Odhrorvar 6413 King Christopher 1257 Free to Play 7,075,378 1,752