12574 rank

778,705 points

855 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TKECX-9    MisFitss
Yorkton 9650 TKECX-9 MisFitss 1,097,172 625
TKECX-9    Trail Masters
Langendorn 10724 TKECX-9 Trail Masters 818,833 1,053
TKECX-9    the spot
Mount Killmore 12574 TKECX-9 the spot 778,705 855
TKECX-9    Farewell
Brisgard 17865 TKECX-9 Farewell 164,621 460
TKECX-9    Fun While Playing
Cirgard 18050 TKECX-9 Fun While Playing 92,490 176