19911 rank

50,868 points

71 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Brisgard 8071 JaiDee 7,430,609 6,466
Dilmun 5154 JaiDee 384,967 787
JaiDee    Guns n Roses
Noarsil 14827 JaiDee Guns n Roses 96,557 96
JaiDee    the last knight
Yorkton 17081 JaiDee the last knight 50,874 123
JaiDee    US Veterans
Mount Killmore 19911 JaiDee US Veterans 50,868 71
JaiDee    join play n have fun
Zorskog 16256 JaiDee join play n have fun 48,776 72
JaiDee    IHateGuilds
Carthage 12656 JaiDee IHateGuilds 35,109 75