13327 rank

562,859 points

57 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Genoa the Great    The Pirate Queen
Arvahall 14023 Genoa the Great The Pirate Queen 942,858 180
Genoa the Great    BHIMSTONE
Greifental 11486 Genoa the Great BHIMSTONE 695,744 171
Genoa the Great    Bluey Mom
Walstrand 10249 Genoa the Great Bluey Mom 694,913 135
Genoa the Great    Soliloquy
Noarsil 10730 Genoa the Great Soliloquy 681,466 41
Genoa the Great    Just Relax!
Sinerania 10885 Genoa the Great Just Relax! 609,027 203
Genoa the Great    Shearer Inc
Uceria 11202 Genoa the Great Shearer Inc 582,995 143
Genoa the Great    Crash here
Mount Killmore 13327 Genoa the Great Crash here 562,859 57
Genoa the Great    So Mote It Be
Korch 11797 Genoa the Great So Mote It Be 547,483 35
Genoa the Great    No rules....
Odhrorvar 11441 Genoa the Great No rules.... 463,903 28
Genoa the Great    Only for fun
Dunarsund 13801 Genoa the Great Only for fun 447,560 62
Genoa the Great    DAMAS
Brisgard 14745 Genoa the Great DAMAS 441,761 81
Genoa the Great    FREE
Jaims 12576 Genoa the Great FREE 406,073 113
Genoa the Great    Lapis and Lavender
Cirgard 13842 Genoa the Great Lapis and Lavender 390,432 150
Genoa the Great    LION PRIDE
Fel Dranghyr 13167 Genoa the Great LION PRIDE 381,290 23
Genoa the Great    Guilded Edge
Parkog 11974 Genoa the Great Guilded Edge 351,136 76
Genoa the Great    Deviant Misfits
East-Nagach 14139 Genoa the Great Deviant Misfits 308,939 23
Genoa the Great    DALEN'S RETREAT
Dilmun 5055 Genoa the Great DALEN'S RETREAT 298,473 93