6918 rank

9,118,287 points

2,502 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver    War&Peace
Arvahall 6816 Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver War&Peace 14,910,804 3,325
Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver    ↫Knights of Fortune↬
Carthage 1941 Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver ↫Knights of Fortune↬ 14,447,215 2,919
Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver   
Mount Killmore 6918 Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver 9,118,287 2,502
Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver    ☆WorldStar☆
Fel Dranghyr 7538 Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver ☆WorldStar☆ 5,445,277 1,517
Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver   
Xyr 7824 Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver 4,460,029 1,347
Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver   
Odhrorvar 8250 Alyssa 2079 the Lawgiver 2,373,276 880