7717 rank

6,835,948 points

15,766 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sammy the Determined    NIRVANA
Carthage 610 Sammy the Determined NIRVANA 94,052,896 59,836
Sammy the Determined    Farming again
Odhrorvar 4521 Sammy the Determined Farming again 21,957,056 38,053
Sammy the Determined    Big Dog Patrol
Korch 5076 Sammy the Determined Big Dog Patrol 17,866,987 30,856
Sammy the Determined    Free World Traders
Mount Killmore 7717 Sammy the Determined Free World Traders 6,835,948 15,766
Sammy the Determined   
Zorskog 6893 Sammy the Determined 4,253,740 8,543