22123 rank

23,671 points

99 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Keehead    don't forget
Arvahall 14157 Keehead don't forget 903,476 523
Keehead    The BeeHive
Walstrand 9838 Keehead The BeeHive 836,991 534
Keehead    The Drunken Wookie
Angkor 10409 Keehead The Drunken Wookie 602,481 444
Keehead    dumb and dumber
Vingrid 11428 Keehead dumb and dumber 552,405 412
Keehead    Jacksmen
Sinerania 11129 Keehead Jacksmen 532,706 455
Keehead    Space Academy
Yorkton 11446 Keehead Space Academy 514,564 411
Keehead    The White Rose
Noarsil 11535 Keehead The White Rose 470,096 388
Keehead    Lothlorien
Mount Killmore 22123 Keehead Lothlorien 23,671 99