6206 rank

13,134,167 points

9,255 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pamela 909 the Avenger   
Fel Dranghyr 3562 Pamela 909 the Avenger 47,082,221 14,307
Pamela 909 the Avenger   
Mount Killmore 6206 Pamela 909 the Avenger 13,134,167 9,255
Pamela 909 the Avenger   
Odhrorvar 9943 Pamela 909 the Avenger 935,983 1,166
Pamela 909 the Avenger   
Noarsil 10528 Pamela 909 the Avenger 741,561 782
Pamela 909 the Avenger   
Cirgard 12187 Pamela 909 the Avenger 722,216 798