10206 rank

2,037,506 points

475 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Vanessa the Victor    Holy Hand Grenades
Xyr 1048 Vanessa the Victor Holy Hand Grenades 240,275,816 50,113
Vanessa the Victor    Sleeping
Brisgard 3022 Vanessa the Victor Sleeping 78,326,616 9,034
Vanessa the Victor    Oasis
Vingrid 7489 Vanessa the Victor Oasis 4,277,520 246
Vanessa the Victor    sleeping
Mount Killmore 10206 Vanessa the Victor sleeping 2,037,506 475
Vanessa the Victor    Sleeping
Tuulech 8791 Vanessa the Victor Sleeping 1,583,710 90
Vanessa the Victor    Love not War
Dunarsund 11639 Vanessa the Victor Love not War 1,044,871 115
Vanessa the Victor    sleeping
Parkog 10146 Vanessa the Victor sleeping 812,164 279
Vanessa the Victor    Sleeping
Houndsmoor 12114 Vanessa the Victor Sleeping 781,738 118
Vanessa the Victor    Hogwartz
Fel Dranghyr 11740 Vanessa the Victor Hogwartz 696,543 67
Vanessa the Victor    Diamonds are Forever
Dilmun 6109 Vanessa the Victor Diamonds are Forever 201,428 124