21754 rank

25,541 points

5 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
turk1752    LIVE and LET DIE
Arvahall 16865 turk1752 LIVE and LET DIE 364,320 476
Uceria 14389 turk1752 125,240 118
turk1752    Mojo my Mojo
Korch 15145 turk1752 Mojo my Mojo 125,088 126
turk1752    Firebird
Brisgard 18672 turk1752 Firebird 103,875 137
turk1752    Genesis Family of Ho
Cirgard 17468 turk1752 Genesis Family of Ho 87,048 94
turk1752    BCE
Mount Killmore 21754 turk1752 BCE 25,541 5