Rank Name Battles Points
Euphorion 859 the Savior
1 Euphorion 859 the Savior 15,524 80,761,555
Hans Lucifer
2 Hans Lucifer 2,491 14,567,742
KingRichard ll
3 KingRichard ll 2,353 13,212,239
Lord Ryan Of Mustafar
4 Lord Ryan Of Mustafar 934 1,839,630
5 IacobvsRex 111 1,119,596
6 Trebor1955 624 781,955
Flavius The Red
7 Flavius The Red 767 400,975
Joval the happy
8 Joval the happy 507 179,261
9 Shadowkitten 87 144,542
Agathokles 863 the Brash
10 Agathokles 863 the Brash 57 36,722
11 Trusted 104 31,812

activity index
