2341 rank

74,737,991 points

25,226 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
dale357    Band of Brothers
Noarsil 2341 dale357 Band of Brothers 74,737,991 25,226
dale357    Anything Goes Here
Qunrir 2468 dale357 Anything Goes Here 65,754,585 22,733
dale357    Pride of Scotland
Jaims 2692 dale357 Pride of Scotland 58,355,482 17,555
dale357    The Explorers
Zorskog 2511 dale357 The Explorers 41,495,651 29,434
dale357    Knights who say "Ni"
Vingrid 3106 dale357 Knights who say "Ni" 39,854,151 29,926
dale357    Newbies Welcome
Arvahall 9019 dale357 Newbies Welcome 5,724,721 7,270
Parkog 18768 dale357 24,216 123