5609 rank

12,513,526 points

4,656 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ragnar the stealthy    The Bandits
Walstrand 378 Ragnar the stealthy The Bandits 681,622,781 111,767
Ragnar the stealthy    The Iron Bank
Qunrir 548 Ragnar the stealthy The Iron Bank 608,216,899 118,572
Ragnar the stealthy    Bandits 212
Parkog 2047 Ragnar the stealthy Bandits 212 104,874,324 43,244
Ragnar the stealthy    The Iron Bank
Arvahall 4233 Ragnar the stealthy The Iron Bank 51,332,080 22,160
Ragnar the stealthy    The Bandits
Angkor 3903 Ragnar the stealthy The Bandits 19,960,562 25,076
Ragnar the stealthy    The Bandits
Noarsil 5609 Ragnar the stealthy The Bandits 12,513,526 4,656
Ragnar the stealthy    The Iron Bank
Carthage 2326 Ragnar the stealthy The Iron Bank 11,930,450 20,574
Ragnar the stealthy    Sneaky Weasels
Houndsmoor 6417 Ragnar the stealthy Sneaky Weasels 11,771,234 4,771