17110 rank

50,574 points

118 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky   
Parkog 2703 Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky 51,493,512 24,334
Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky   
Carthage 2843 Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky 4,857,131 1,718
Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky   
Odhrorvar 9834 Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky 1,029,136 365
Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky   
Brisgard 13474 Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky 710,381 282
Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky   
Tuulech 12715 Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky 269,239 111
Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky   
Yorkton 14522 Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky 171,897 120
Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky   
Noarsil 17110 Hippolyta 1488 the Lucky 50,574 118