4951 rank

18,064,648 points

4,050 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Solon 512 the Wicked    Wasp
Arvahall 4592 Solon 512 the Wicked Wasp 44,406,584 5,119
Solon 512 the Wicked    Team Trump
Mount Killmore 3925 Solon 512 the Wicked Team Trump 42,635,222 5,181
Solon 512 the Wicked    Guild of Canada
Brisgard 4450 Solon 512 the Wicked Guild of Canada 36,610,130 4,598
Solon 512 the Wicked    Valhalla Beb
Cirgard 4178 Solon 512 the Wicked Valhalla Beb 34,933,517 4,685
Solon 512 the Wicked    War Hounds
Korch 4060 Solon 512 the Wicked War Hounds 33,795,924 4,564
Solon 512 the Wicked    Just4quest
Odhrorvar 3951 Solon 512 the Wicked Just4quest 32,145,205 4,981
Solon 512 the Wicked    TopDog
Langendorn 4016 Solon 512 the Wicked TopDog 32,023,489 5,335
Solon 512 the Wicked    Rising Fire
Fel Dranghyr 4276 Solon 512 the Wicked Rising Fire 31,461,455 4,786
Solon 512 the Wicked    The League
Tuulech 4144 Solon 512 the Wicked The League 26,005,827 4,760
Solon 512 the Wicked    ZxCL
Xyr 4262 Solon 512 the Wicked ZxCL 25,383,971 4,739
Solon 512 the Wicked    Thunder&Lightening
Vingrid 4346 Solon 512 the Wicked Thunder&Lightening 24,397,924 4,873
Solon 512 the Wicked    .....
Qunrir 4741 Solon 512 the Wicked ..... 20,131,956 5,139
Solon 512 the Wicked    Lethiferous Waves
Noarsil 4951 Solon 512 the Wicked Lethiferous Waves 18,064,648 4,050
Solon 512 the Wicked    Royal Crowns
Walstrand 7127 Solon 512 the Wicked Royal Crowns 4,165,673 2,286